Sunday, December 4, 2011



Thrill to the Adventures of the World's Greatest Detective as He encounters Characters, both Historical and Fictional, as Larger than Life as He is! Moonstone is proud to present an interview with Howard Hopkins, Editor of this one of a kind collection!

MOONSTONE: You are involved with the Sherlock Holmes Crossovers Volume with Moonstone. In what capacity and what can you tell us about the book?

HOWARD HOPKINS: I’m the editor on the book, plus I penned a story, The Haunted Manor, for it, which teams the Great Detective with Calamity Jane. The anthology is a collection of stories by some wonderful authors teaming Holmes with some of history and fictional literature’s most interesting characters to help solve a crime. We have Lawrence of Arabia, the Great and Powerful Oz, Arsene Lupin, Houdini, Professor Challenger, Colonel Richard Henry Savage (the true life inspiration for Doc Savage and The Avenger) and a sequel to The Sign of The Four. I’m very proud of this book and the fine writers who have made it one of the best anthologies I’ve ever worked on. The cover artwork is seriously incredible and I believe Holmes fans and general readers alike are going to enjoy it immensely. It makes an excellent companion to the brand new Holmes movie with Robert Downey due out shortly.

MOONSTONE: Why is Holmes such an endearing character so long after his original stories were published?

HH: If you had asked me before I took on this project I would have said, damned if I know. I was not a fan. In fact, when author Martin Powell originally asked me on to it, I hemmed and hawed a bit. But he handed me a handful of links to the original stories—and I groaned, I mean, reading all that OLD stuff, oh swell—I reluctantly took a look. And was glad he talked me into it because—wow. What I had been missing! Starting with The Speckled Band I found myself immediately drawn into Holmes world of Victorian England. It was quite different from the bits and pieces of films I had seen over the years. Those, frankly, had turned me off to the character. But the stories are brilliant and the character a masterpiece of fictional creation. There’s a reason these tales and the man himself have endured and that reason is because of Arthur Conan Doyle and his exquisite portrayal of Holmes and Watson. Watson especially grabbed me. He wasn’t the bumbler I had expected. The dynamics between the two drive the stories as much as the mystery, in my opinion. I instantly became a fan and enthusiast. And when the chance came to edit the anthology I jumped at it. It was quite an awakening.

See, even us old dogs CAN be taught new tricks.

MOONSTONE: Why a book of crossover stories? What appeal lies in 'teaming up' Holmes with other characters/figures?

HH: I think because he is a man who lends himself to the interpretation of others while remaining the ultimate mystery in the book. The tales are primarily how Watson sees him, so to have a view of the man by others, who may themselves be equally as quirky, is a fascinating concept. I think EIC Joe Gentile hit on something pretty unique and interesting for this anthology with the team up concept. I think Holmes fans and readers will enjoy seeing how he interacts with characters not so used to his eccentric ways. I know as the stories came in that’s what I was looking at. We all know how Holmes is—but what do others think of him and his methods? Do some feel he’s overrated? Underrated? A pain in the backside? Arrogant? Readers are certainly going to find out!

MOONSTONE: Will we see a follow up to this volume in your opinion?

HH: There are certainly many more fascinating characters and historical figures from the time period, so I would not be at all surprised.



  1. Any chance I can get details of the Holmes-Houdini story? I'd love to help promote this book on my Houdini blog. Thanks.

  2. What's the street date for this book now? I have a preorder in, but Amazon is now showing it as July 2012.

